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Add a magical layer of security to your community

Our database is one of the largest databases of dangerous users and malicious bots on Discord. Keep your community safe by automatically blocking users and bots that are here using tools from us, our partners or third-party developers.
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Blacklist Integration Benefits

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Database is being built by the community

Community creators, administrators and moderators, members, developers, our partners, automated systems, and our moderators work together to ensure that the maximum number of users and bots of security-threatening communities gets into our database. For example, if a raid attack was noticed on one of the guilds in our network, everyone who performed it gets here. A large number of users of our service do the same.

Fully transparent database with all evidence of violations

Our database is completely transparent and can be checked by any independent internet user. We provide all screenshots of the violation, a detailed description and all reports that appear in the public domain are rigorously checked by our moderators. Users violating the rules of the service or falsifying reports are quickly blocked and reports with false information are not allowed and/or quickly deleted.
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Blacklist exists since 2021

The Blacklist service has been in existence since 2021 and since then its database has been constantly updated. During this time, hundreds of communities managed to use our services and improve security. We are constantly working to expand our database and improve it. We are constantly creating new features, working with other projects and developers to create new features and make existing ones easier to use.

We are trusted by

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